Helping clients apply for ID

Recorded on September 12, 2024

In this webinar, Michaela DeSousa and Subodh Bharati of Community & Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) explain what community workers should keep in mind when helping people apply for identification documents (IDs). They will also share resources that community workers can use.


NOTE: We have provided a handout on important resources and supports from the webinar in this link. We also provide it in PDF form below with the recording and PowerPoint slides.

Highlights of the webinar - skip to the section by clicking below:
Slide 8: Myths and Common Challenges
Slide 17: Birth Registration or Certificates
Slide 19: Ontario Health Card
Slide 24: Permanent Resident Card
Slide 25: Affidavits and Statutory Declarations
Slide 32: Proving Identity – Things to consider
Slide 40: CLASP Resources and Contact Information