Lesson plans
CLEO offers lesson plans, curricula and other resources for trainers and educators that combine legal information with practical activities and case studies. Available free of charge.
ESL Activity Kits
Our ESL Activity Kits are intended for use by adult ESL and LINC instructors to help learners gain information about their legal rights while learning English. They were developed using the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB), and are available at a range of CLB levels. The activity kits correspond with themes and topics in the Adult ESL and LINC curriculum guidelines. The kits were developed by an experienced ESL curriculum expert.
Topics covered: tenants’ rights; workers’ rights
Legal Life Skills Curriculum
Our Legal Life Skills Curriculum is intended for use by instructors in job readiness and literacy programs to help learners recognize legal problems in the workplace while learning essential life skills. Adult instructors gave input on the topics and content of the six activity kits in the curriculum, and the resources were tested with students in several community-based literacy settings.
Topics covered include: organizing and prioritizing information; putting things in writing; dealing with difficult questions in a job interview or at work
Legal Rights Literacy Kits
Our Legal Rights Literacy Kits are intended for use by adult literacy instructors in Ontario. They provide ready‐made materials aligned to the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (the OALCF). The kits were developed by adult educators with extensive experience developing curricula for adult learners.
Topics covered: tenants' rights; workers' rights; consumer and debt issues; how to find legal information
Trainers' Guides for community legal clinics
Our Trainers' Guides are intended for use by community legal clinics in Ontario. They provide customizable materials for clinics to use to train community workers. The up-to-date Guides were developed by clinic experts on a range of legal issues. Each Guide includes a PowerPoint presentation with activities and handouts as well as important resources for frontline workers.