Going to court without a lawyer: tips and traps

Recorded on July 23, 2024

Do you have clients who must represent themselves in a legal case? Many people earn too much to be eligible for legal aid or community clinics but cannot afford a lawyer.

Moya McAlister and Jennifer Leitch of the National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP) will explain how you can help clients who are going to court without a lawyer. Self-represented litigants (SRLs) are most common in family law, but NSRLP also hears from people representing themselves in housing, employment, discrimination and consumer law cases.

Moya McAlister and Jennifer Leitch of the National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP)

NOTE: We have provided a handout on important resources and supports from the webinar in this link. We also provide it in PDF form below with the recording and PowerPoint slides.

Highlights of the webinar - skip to the section by clicking below:
Slide 16: What self represented litigants want
Slides 20-23: Guides from NSRLP
Slide 26: Family law court forms – where to start
Slide 31- Introduction to CanLII
Slide 39: Summary of steps to consider