Webinar library

CLEO's Your Legal Rights webinars are aimed at community workers and advocates who work with low-income and disadvantaged communities in Ontario.

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Legal Topic: Sponsorship

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Status: All

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4

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Immigration status and Social Assistance

Recorded June 23, 2021

Misunderstandings exist about who is eligible for social assistance programs in Ontario and about consequences of receiving Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).  Undocumented people and those living with temporary status can be concerned about applying for benefits. And others need to know...


June 23, 2021 (90 minutes)

Immigration Law: Debunking the Misconceptions

Immigration law can be very complicated and it is sometimes hard to figure out what rights women have while living with precarious status. This webinar will go through some of the most common myths and misconceptions about immigration law and help you establish accurate and up-to-date information. You will leave better equipped to work with women...


March 16, 2020 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

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Immigration Status and Relationship Breakdown: What Women Should Know

Recorded on May 29, 2017 - This webinar in the Family Law Education for Women (FLEW) series discusses the different types of immigration status for non-citizen women in Canada and how status may be affected by their partner and the breakdown of their relationship.


May 29, 2017 (1 hour)

Produced by:


The Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program

Recorded on February 27, 2014 - This webinar provides an introductory overview of the Private Sponsorship of Refugees program in Canada including who is eligible for sponsorship, what are the criteria for sponsorship, what does the refugee sponsorship process look like, and what are sponsors’ responsibilities.Copies of the presentation materials...


February 27, 2014 (53 minutes)