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CLEO's Your Legal Rights webinars are aimed at community workers and advocates who work with low-income and disadvantaged communities in Ontario.

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Legal Topic: Peace bonds and restraining orders

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Status: All

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3

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Supporting Rural Women Leaving Abusive Relationships – A webinar from Luke’s Place and CLEO

June 3, 2020 - Women leaving abusive relationships often need family court orders quickly to protect their safety and that of their children, to have their children returned to them and/or to prevent abduction of their children by their abusive former partner. Emergency or ex parte motions are one way to get an order quickly, but bringing a...


June 3, 2020 (1 hour and 15 minutes)

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Luke's Place

Partner Abuse: How Can a Restraining Order Help?

Recorded on April 30, 2019 - Review or refresh what you know about Restraining Orders: when you can get one for a family abuse or violence situation in Ontario, and how they are similar and different from Peace Bonds.  This webinar is part of the Family Law Education for Women (FLEW) series, co-presented by METRAC’s Legal Director, Tamar...


April 30, 2019 (1 hour and 15 minutes)

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Staying Home Safely After Abuse: Court Orders That Can Help

Recorded on August 22, 2016 - In this webinar in the Family Law Education for Women (FLEW) series, METRAC's Legal Director, Tamar Witelson, and family law lawyer, Glenda Perry, discuss different kinds of family and criminal court orders that can help a woman force an abusive partner to leave her home and stay away.


August 22, 2016 (1 hour and 26 minutes)

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