Webinar library

CLEO's Your Legal Rights webinars are aimed at community workers and advocates who work with low-income and disadvantaged communities in Ontario.

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Legal Topic: Human Rights

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Status: All

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4

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New tools for helping people find good legal information – A webinar for community workers

Recorded on June 14, 2017 - This webinar, provided by CLEO, is designed for community workers who help users find legal information. It covers Steps to Justice, CLEO's new website for helping clients find step-by-step information about common legal problems. It also outlines the difference between legal information and legal advice.We cover the...


June 14, 2017 (1 hour and 4 minutes)

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Les droits des francophones en Ontario

Présenté le 29 janvier, 2014 - Dans ce webinaire, l’avocate bilingue Julie Lassonde donne un aperçu des droits des francophones en Ontario. Le webinaire fournit des statistiques sur les francophones de l’Ontario. Il explique le cadre juridique des droits linguistiques en Ontario, y compris le droit aux services en français.


January 29, 2014 (20 minutes)

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Ontario Francophones’ Rights

Recorded on January 29, 2014 - In this webinar, bilingual lawyer Julie Lassonde gives an overview of Ontario Francophones' rights. The webinar provides statistics about Ontario francophones. It explains the legal framework of linguistic rights in Ontario, including information about the right to services in French.


January 29, 2014 (21 minutes)

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Discrimination is Against the Law! A Primer on Human Rights Law in Ontario

Recorded on December 19, 2012 - This webinar, presented in partnership by the Human Rights Legal Support Centre and Hamilton Community Legal Clinic, provides an overview of the Human Rights Code, highlighting the grounds and social areas which the Code applies to, exceptions to the Code, and remedies available under the Code.