Webinar library

CLEO's Your Legal Rights webinars are aimed at community workers and advocates who work with low-income and disadvantaged communities in Ontario.

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Legal Topic: Getting legal help

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Status: All

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3

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“Before You Sign”: A three part webinar series

This is a 3 part series of webinars produced as part of  YWCA St. Thomas Elgin Connecting Communities Project "Before You Sign", funded by the Law Foundation of Ontario.

About the Project

Rural populations of immigrants, especially individuals who are not native English speakers, experience significant obstacles in obtaining accurate...


December 11, 2019 (3 segments of 30 minutes each (approximately))

Produced by:

YWCA St. Thomas Elgin

Tools for helping people find good legal information: A webinar by CLEO on the Steps to Justice website

Recorded on November 13, 2019 (60 minutes) - This webinar is designed for social work and social service work students who will be helping clients find legal information in the course of their work. We will outline CLEO’s work in legal information, discuss the difference between providing legal information and giving legal advice, and demonstrate...


November 13, 2019 (79 minutes)

Produced by:

JPP – Des outils pour aider les personnes dans la recherche de bonnes informations juridiques

Enregistré le 21 mai 2019 - Ce webinaire est conçu pour les travailleurs sociaux qui aident les personnes à trouver des informations juridiques. Nous présenterons le travail de CLEO en matière d’information juridique, nous discuterons de la différence entre fournir des informations juridiques et donner des conseils juridiques, et nous montrerons...


May 21, 2019 (59 minutes)

Produced by: