Webinar library

CLEO's Your Legal Rights webinars are aimed at community workers and advocates who work with low-income and disadvantaged communities in Ontario.

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Legal Topic: Family Law

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Status: All

Showing results 1 to 10 of 38

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Questions majeures des couples en instance de divorce ou de séparation

Enregistré le 27 mai 2022

Ce webinaire aborde les questions clés que les couples en instance de divorce ou de séparation voudront aborder, comme expliquer ce que l'on entend par temps parental, droits de visite et contact. Combien de temps l'enfant passera-t-il avec chaque parent et comment le temps parental doit-il être organisé ? Est-ce que...


May 27, 2022 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

Navigating Family Courts During the Pandemic

Recorded October 5, 2021

Thijiba Sinnathamby, Staff Lawyer at Luke's Place, shared up-to-date and practical information on family court processes during the pandemic in Fall 2021. She addressed some of the following questions,

What counts as an emergency motion?
How have parenting time and decision-making been affected?
How can survivors...


October 5, 2021 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

Recent Changes to the Law: The Divorce Act, Bill C-78

Recorded on March 29, 2021

This webinar addresses the legislative changes to the Divorce Act Bill C-78:

This webinar will address:

  • New changes to The Best Interests of the Child legislation which have been added to the Divorce Act;
  • Specific reference to family violence as a factor in considering a Child’s Best...


March 29, 2021 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

Produced by:


Preventing Bias in Service Delivery: A Child Welfare Lens

Recorded on March 25, 2021

The webinar addresses the impact of the intersectionality of gender-based violence with unconscious bias through a Child Welfare Lens, you will learn about:

  • Equity Work is Emotional Work – Expanding our E.I. and not our I.Q
  • Identifying Systemic Barriers & Roots of Oppression
  • Unconscious...


March 25, 2021 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

Produced by:


Ontario’s new Children’s Law Reform Act: A webinar from Luke’s Place and CLEO

Recorded on January 25, 2021

Ontario recently significantly revised its family law that deals with custody and access to align it with the federal Divorce Act. In this webinar, you will learn about the changes, with a focus on their impact on women fleeing abusive relationships.

Pamela Cross is a feminist lawyer; a well-known and respected...


January 25, 2021 (1 hour)

Produced by:

Luke's Place

Safety planning before, during and after separation – A webinar from Luke’s Place

Recorded on November 24, 2020

This webinar examines key safety issues for women leaving an abusive relationship from the time the woman begins to consider separation, throughout the separation and family law processes and beyond, providing tips and strategies so women and their children can be and feel as safe as possible.

About our...


November 24, 2020 (1 hour)

Produced by:

Luke's Place

Relationships, rights and responsibilities – A webinar from Luke’s Place

Recorded on October 27, 2020

There are significant differences in legal rights and responsibilities depending on whether people are married or living common-law. This webinar explores different kinds of intimate relationships, what the law requires and how people can craft their own agreements about how they wish to treat one another, with a...


October 27, 2020 (53 minutes)

Produced by:

Luke's Place

How to manage tech abuse with safety planning and family law: A webinar from Luke’s Place and CLEO

Recorded on October 2, 2020

This webinar provides information on how technology can be used against women experiencing domestic violence and provides tips for survivors and advocates around safety planning, managing electronic communication and how to this may need to be addressed in Family court.

About our presenter

Pamela Cross is a...


October 2, 2020 (45 minutes)

Produced by:

Luke's Place

Supporting Rural Women Leaving Abusive Relationships – A webinar from Luke’s Place and CLEO

June 3, 2020 - Women leaving abusive relationships often need family court orders quickly to protect their safety and that of their children, to have their children returned to them and/or to prevent abduction of their children by their abusive former partner. Emergency or ex parte motions are one way to get an order quickly, but bringing a...


June 3, 2020 (1 hour and 15 minutes)

Produced by:

Luke's Place

Family law issues for LGBTQ families

Recorded on May 27, 2020

This webinar addresses the particular family law issues facing LGBTQ families. In particular, we address:

  • What goes into the decision to parent for LGBTQ families?
  • How do LGBTQ people build families?
  • How is legal parentage established?
  • What are the particular challenges facing these...


May 27, 2020 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

Produced by: