Webinar library

CLEO's Your Legal Rights webinars are aimed at community workers and advocates who work with low-income and disadvantaged communities in Ontario.

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Legal Topic: Community justice help

Produced by: All

Status: All

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2

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Up your game: Using social media and video to deliver legal information

Recorded on April 20, 2021

CLEO staff members Fiona MacCool and Jesse Mark addressed what CLEO is learning about when and how to use social media and video to help people understand their legal rights.

They shared best practices, examples, and resources that have inspired us, and tips on finding free or low cost tools to help you with your...


April 20, 2021 (1 hour)

Resisting burnout and building resilience during COVID-19: A workshop recognizing the hard work of frontline workers

Recorded on December 15th, 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, frontline workers have continued to provide support to clients and communities, many of whom have been thrown into crisis. Racialized communities have been disproportionately affected, compounding existing inequality. Many frontline workers are also working remotely, making it more...


December 15, 2020 (75 minutes)