Supporting Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking

Recorded on May 30, 2016 - In support of National Victims and Survivors of Crime Week from May 29 to June 4 2016, this webinar examines how to support victims and survivors of Human Trafficking in Canada. The presenters for this webinar are Rosalind Currie, the Director of British Columbia's Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General; and Michèle Anderson, Covenant House, Toronto Human Trafficking Advocate.

The webinar is hosted by the Victim Justice Network, a national non-profit organization whose mission is to establish an online-based network to better serve and support victims of crime. It is presented in partnership with CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario/Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario) through the Your Legal Rights website. This webinar is made possible through the funding support of Justice Canada’s Victims Fund and the Department of Justice Canada.

Copies of presentation materials are available for download in PDF format below.

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About the presenter(s):

Rosalind Currie
Rosalind Currie is the Director of British Columbia's Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. Roz has a law degree and has worked for the Office since 2008. This office is Canada's first provincial government based office responsible for coordinating BC's response to human trafficking, including both sex trafficking and labour trafficking.
Michèle Anderson
Michèle Anderson has more than 20 years’ experience working at Covenant House Toronto with young victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Michèle’s extensive experience and expertise resulted in her appointment as the agency’s Human Trafficking Specialist in 2013. Michèle is responsible for the case management of victims of domestic and international sex trafficking that includes identification, interventions and supporting youth through the arduous legal process when they choose to seek justice.
She is a member of the Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network (TCHTN) and was a presenter at the Alliance Against Modern Day Slavery’s Symposium. Michèle has contributed to the Ontario Coalition Research Initiative on the “Incidence of Human Trafficking in Ontario” and Justice Canada’s Forum on Forced Marriage.
Fiona MacCool
This webinar will be facilitated by Fiona MacCool Fiona MacCool is the Project Manager of Your Legal Rights a website of legal information for people in Ontario and a project of CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario/Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario).