Recorded on November 19th, 2020
Many tenants who can't pay the rent are facing an uncertain future. What options do they have? What are the landlord's obligations to their tenants around maintenance and privacy issues? Legal experts will answer these questions and more during this upcoming webinar. You will also receive updates on the eviction process, Landlord and Tenant Board hearings during COVID-19 and the rent freeze in 2021.
Please note: The following information was not shared on the webinar but is relevant to Sumaya Bauer's presentation:
A landlord can give a tenant a “take it or leave it” payment plan, that includes s. 78, which permits the landlord to seek an ex-parte eviction order, an eviction order in the tenant’s absence. The Landlord and Tenant Board recently made some changes to their Payment Agreement Form. However, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO) and other community legal clinics in Ontario have developed a L1 Payment Agreement Form as well as an annotated version of the LTB form that may be helpful to unrepresented tenants trying to settle an L1 without a s.78 clause. Steps to Justice also has information that may be helpful for tenants in this situation."
- Caycie Soke, Staff Lawyer, Kinna-aweya Legal Clinic (Thunder Bay)
- Sumaya Bauer, Toronto Tenant Duty Counsel from Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario
**ASL interpretation was available for this webinar.
Video with Slides and ASL
ASL only (no slides)
Housing and tenants' rights during COVID-19 - Gallery View - ASL Spotlighted Video from CLEO Webinars on Vimeo.