Advocating for Refugee and Other Precarious Status Clients on Social Assistance Matters

Recorded on December 11, 2013 - A growing number of immigrant and refugee clients are having their benefits illegally terminated based on a misapplication of social assistance regulations. This webinar looks at how immigration status and/or a removal order impacts eligibility for Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program and how recent changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act are being interpreted by some caseworkers. It also covers ways to advocate with caseworkers, how to request information, what information to include in an internal review of a decision to terminate benefits, and where to get additional help.

Copies of presentation materials are available below.

Please note: As discussed at slide 10 (or at the 16:44 minute mark in the recorded webinar), there is a lowered threshold for when serious criminality will make a person ineligible to make a refugee claim. A  person is now ineligible if convicted of a crime that is punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of 10 years or more, no matter what the sentence actually imposed.  Please see sections 36, 101(1)(f) and 101(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

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Advocating for Refugee and Other Precarious Status Clients on Social Assistance Matters from CLEO Webinars on Vimeo.


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