Training for library workers
- Legal Capability Training – This free workshop helps staff develop the skills to respond to legal questions and make appropriate referrals. Available in English and French.
- Navigating Steps to Justice – Learn to use CLEO’s Steps to Justice/Justice pas-à-pas website to find reliable legal information in this free workshop for staff. Available in English and French.
- Guided Pathways Training – Request a free workshop to learn more about CLEO’s Guided Pathways tools to understand legal processes and complete legal documents.
- Legal Info, Skills and Connections Course (coming soon) – This free two-part course provides an opportunity for community workers to gain information about the law, practice legal help skills, and connect with others doing similar work.
- Providing Legal Information Training Presentation (from the Saskatchewan Access to Legal Information project) – This standardized training resource helps library workers build legal information and referral skills. *Please note, the resources cited are specific to Saskatchewan.
- Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta – Service providers can take free self-directed online courses on topics such as Legal Information and Advice or Helping Clients with Legal Issues. *Please note, references to the law are specific to Alberta. For legislation relevant to Ontario, please visit