Gender-based violence
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Reflect and take action to end it!
November 25 starts #16DaysOfActivism leading up to the International Day for the Elimination of Gender‑Based Violence (December 10).
Gender-based violence is a serious issue, and learning about it is the first step to making a difference. CLEO has practical legal resources for those who have experienced or are experiencing gender-based violence and for front‑line community workers helping them.
See all webinars on this topic.
See all our publications.
Answers to common questions
Have questions? We have reliable, practical and step-by-step answers:
- How do I know I'm in an abusive situation?
- I was the victim of a crime involving gender-based violence. What can I do?
- What happens if I call the police about my abusive partner?
- Where can I find legal support if I have experienced partner abuse?
- What can I do if I've been sexually harassed at work?
- Will I be forced to leave Canada if I leave my abusive partner?
For more legal information on abuse and family violence, visit Partner abuse on Steps to Justice.
Responding to Abuse and Violence Guided Pathways
CLEO's Responding to Abuse and Violence Guided Pathways are online interviews that give you information and resources to help you respond to crimes involving gender-based violence. They also help you ask the court for a peace bond or an emergency motion, if you or your children are in danger.
Useful tools
Other resources
- OASIS Centre des femmes
- Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes
- JusticeTrans
- Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
- The 519 Legal Clinic
- Canadian Council of Muslim Women
- The Anishinabek Nation's Nshiimenhiig (My Sisters Toolkit)
- Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
- Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
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