Part 2: Newcomers and the Transition Child Benefit

Recorded on March 22, 2022

Part 2 in our lunch and learn series gives community workers an overview of the Transition Child Benefit (TCB) as it relates to newcomers. What is the Transition Child Benefit? How long can a client expect to get the benefit and how much will they be paid? These questions and others were answered during our presentation.

If you missed Part 1: Newcomers and the Canada Child Benefit, you can access the presentation slides and webinar recording here.

Heather Neufeld and Liz Majic of Connecting Ottawa

NOTE: Our speakers have kindly provided responses to questions that didn't get answered during the presentation. They are outlined in "Questions and answers from the webinar" in PDF form below, along with the recording and Power Point slides.

Other webinars on this topic