Finding better problems for better solutions: Digital insights for Hackney Advice Sector

This report was commissioned by a group of legal advice agencies serving one borough in London, to explore how they could use digital innovation effectively to better serve their clients and expand their reach.

Researchers conducted a series of workshops with agencies and clients. Users noted that digital devices can be used by people reluctant to seek advice to explore potential legal problems privately first, similar to googling medical symptoms before going to a doctor.

The report made five proposals for the group to consider further:

  • establish a system to answer some questions by email
  • create an app or online service that helps people record the information they're given and create to-do lists
  • create a mobile app that could help service providers link people to appropriate advice services
  • create an app that links people to social service agencies
  • create an app that prompts people to bring specific documentation to their appointment at the legal advice service