Separation Agreement Certificates

The following information is taken from the Legal Aid Ontario website at:

LAO covers the cost of up to 10 hours with a family lawyer to help financially eligible clients draw up a separation agreement. The spouse of a financially eligible client may also be eligible if the spouse earns up to a maximum of $50,000.

The lawyer’s services to help draw up a separation agreement for you and your former partner can include:

  • obtaining and reviewing disclosure

  • preparing a sworn financial statement, where support or property are at issue

  • discussing negotiation and/or settlement with the opposing party

  • participating in mediation or an LAO settlement conference (if appropriate)

  • preparing and reviewing a separation agreement

  • finalizing a separation agreement

  • converting a separation agreement into a court order (if appropriate)

  • filing a separation agreement with the court (if appropriate)

What is a separation agreement?

A separation agreement is a legally binding document for families to use when they are settling:

  • the custody and access arrangements for their children,

  • child support, spousal support

  • property division and equalization.

It protects both parties, because it clearly specifies each of their obligations. Plus, a lawyer represents each party while drafting this agreement, so families can stay fully informed of the potential legal consequences of their decisions or actions.

Will LAO lawyers provide this service?

No. If you’re eligible for a separation agreement certificate, LAO will provide you with a list of professional private family lawyers in your community. You can choose a lawyer from this list to represent you.

How can I find out if I am eligible?

You can call LAO toll-free at 1-800-668-8258 to find out whether you and/or your spouse are eligible for legal aid assistance.

The toll-free number is available Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.