The ODSP Action Coalition pushes for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) legislative and policy improvements and for improvements to the way social assistance recipients are treated by the Ministry of Community and Social Services.
ODSP Action Coalition
Webinars produced by ODSP Action Coalition

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - Know Your Benefits
Recorded on Feb 14, 2013 - This webinar from the ODSP Action Coalition will provide an overview of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and cover applying for ODSP, ODSP rates, income, earnings, assets & changes, the different types of ODSP Benefits, appeals and tips and strategies for navigating the system.

Recorded on April 20, 2017 - Artists who are deaf or disabled are encouraged by various government arts councils to apply for grants to pursue their artistic projects and develop their professional capacity. However, if those artists are on ODSP, the grants are treated as "income".