Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc.

Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc. (CLS) is a non-profit public legal education project. CLS provides workshops on a variety of social welfare law topics to non-profit community organizations, social service agencies, and various marginalized and low-income citizen groups.

PLEASE NOTE: Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc. (CLS) does not represent individual clients or engage in the private practice of law. They are an exclusively educational organization.

CLS, in conjunction with Lambton College, also offers a Certificate in Community Advocacy. This online program is designed for trusted intermediaries and focuses on enhancing existing skills and knowledge with practical, how-to instruction about the social programs and other issues that often impact those who are marginalized and/or live in poverty.

Resources produced by Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc.

Webinars produced by Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc.

Consumer Protection: Wireless Services (Cell Phone) Contracts - 2016 Update

Recorded on February 1, 2016 - This webinar looks at cell phone and other wireless services agreements in light of the new rights and protections that consumers have under the Ontario Wireless Services Act and the federal Wireless Code.

Consumer Protection: Door-to-Door Sales - Water Heater Sales and Rentals 2016

Recorded on February 8, 2016 - While you may not find a salesperson knocking at your door with the latest and greatest vacuum cleaner anymore, the sometimes unsavoury world of door-to-door sales is still alive and well. Some of the most outrageous claims and trickery in the door-to-door world now relate to water heater sales.

Consumer Protection: Debt Settlement Service Agreements

Recorded on February 29, 2016 - Your charge cards are maxed out, the collection agencies keep calling, and your income is being garnished -- you need help before you sink beneath a growing pile of bills. Both credit counselling agencies and debt settlement services companies promise to help you to manage your debt repayment and get you back on your feet financially.

Motor Vehicle Dealers Act

Recorded on October 18, 2010 (56 minutes) - This webinar is presented by Margaret Capes, Legal Education Coordinator of Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc.

Door-to-Door Sales

Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc. (CLS) is a non-profit public legal education project. CLS provides workshops on a variety of social welfare law topics to non-profit community organizations, social service agencies, and various marginalized and low-income citizen groups. PLEASE NOTE: Community Law School (Sarnia-Lambton) Inc. (CLS) does not represent individual clients or engage in the private practice of law.