211 Ontario – Services for older adults


211Ontario.ca provides an extensive list of community and social services from across Ontario for older adults, including those dealing with elder abuse. You can enter your postal code or the name of your town or City or browse their services by topic. They organize their services related to Older Adults with the following sub-categories:

Elder abuse 
Counseling, support and shelter programs for older adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or violence.

Mental health counselling and treatment for older adults.

Non-medical services that enable older adults and individuals with disabilities to continue living independently in the community.

Government pension and benefit programs for older adults, and organizations that provide information and application assistance.

Accommodation for individuals who require more nursing or personal care than can be provided through home support or other options. Formerly known as homes for the aged and nursing homes.

Congregate dining for isolated or frail seniors and older adults with disabilities, with a focus on nutrition and socialization. May offer transportation to and from the site.

Recreation and leisure activities for older adults, including social clubs and instructional programs.

Private housing options for older adults able to pay for their own care and not requiring 24-hour nursing care. Usually offer meals, social and recreational programs, as well as various levels of homemaking help, personal care and health services. For comprehensive information, contact Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA), www.orcaretirement.com, or the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority, www.rhra.ca.

Apartments for individuals 55-60 years and over who are able to live independently, care for themselves and maintain their own units.

Transportation for older adults  
Transportation for seniors and individuals with restricted mobility.