The pandemic and access to justice: Two recent updates
The official advent of COVID-19 to Ontario in March 2020 has resulted in drastic changes affecting people who need legal help, or who must participate in court or tribunal hearings. This, in turn, has created new barriers for many marginalized people in Ontario and for the community workers who help them.
It's still too early to know how these changes will play out over the longer term when things are "back to normal". But the release of two recent reports shed some light on:
- progress made in meeting access to justice goals across Canada in 2020
- the state of eviction hearings in Ontario in spring 2021
We at CLEO Connect are monitoring research on access to justice during pandemic times as reports start to emerge from this tumultuous chapter, and sharing select reports through our Research Database. If you learn of a report that we haven't yet found, please contact us!